Quick chat with Big Hut Games!

After the big launch of Racing Wars we decided to have a little chat with the developers of the popular racing-game!

After launching Racing Wars a couple of weeks ago we decided to ask the developers from Big Hut Games a few questions about their (and our) beloved Racing Wars. We wanted to know more about these brilliant independent developers from Brazil. “We focus on the creation of what we call ‘casual games with a mid-core twist’, in other words, we create games with simple and accessible mechanics but that offer a lot of depth in terms of content”

As you probably have noticed by playing the game several times, it is not only about racing to the finish line, but more about battling each other. The main objective of the game is simply to get the other players out of the game using some demolishing power-ups or pushing them out of the track. As stated by the developers: “With Racing Wars we really wanted to focus on the experience of having fun together with your friends, which includes all the good stuff like bragging when you take out several cars at once or forming temporary alliances with other rivals to take out as player that is doing a bit too well.”

According to the team behind Racing Wars the inspiration and motivation to create this game came from bringing back a pinch of nostalgia into our lives. With combining aspects of the good-old competitive Micro Machines and the combat based Death Rally, our brand new racing-game came to life. Another point they were quite secure about was that the rounds had to be short so the players would think “Let’s play just one more round!” instead of being fed up after racing around for eternity.

The development of Racing Wars took a bit longer than expected and we were really excited when they finally told us that the game is ready: “In the end that turned out to make development harder as it was impossible to playtest the game for just a few minutes, the team would always take at least an hour "testing". That’s something we like to hear!

When we asked why they wanted to make a game for AirConsole, the answer was clear and as always, very pleasant to hear: “ Not only is the platform very convenient - just open a website or the app, type a code and start playing - but it also offers that classic feeling of playing alongside your friends. This kind of experience is essential to the core premise of Racing Wars, so the game was a perfect fit for the platform.”

With that said - we have to admit that we are overly happy about our new game and it is getting more and more popular among our users!

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