Best of AirConsole Let's Plays!

We made a call for Let's Players and we got some awesome videos out of it. Here are the best!

A couple of weeks ago we sent out a message on Reddit asking Let's Players to have a look at AirConsole. From this we got some awesome edits. We have made a little selection and highly recommend you to have a look at these to get a good laugh:

Twins of Rage

Cards And Humanity:

Racing Wars:



Cards And Humanity:


Nerds Suitable for Watching (NSFW)

ClusterPuck99, Silly World Series:


The Seven Day Weekend

ToB, SWS, CP99, SuperAirSlam, FriendsQuiz:


Do you make Let's Plays? We would be very interested in seeing you playing AirConsole games and having tons of fun. Send the YouTube link to and we will share it around :-)

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