Are you a game developer?

Ever thought about making your own games and publishing them to AirConsole? Try Construct 2, no programming required. Win up to $10’000 USD!

This winter, AirConsole offers a unique opportunity for game developers to get your games published, to get it played by thousands of people worldwide and to earn money with it. The competition is open until the end of February 2017, that gives you plenty of time to create the coolest things you can imagine. In this competition we invite you and your team to use Construct2 to create a fun and creative local multiplayer game for AirConsole.

The winning game will be awarded prize money of $10’000! The second and third placed games are worth $2500 and $1000 respectively. There is also three Construct 2 business licences to be won!

AirConsole offers a Construct 2 plugin with which you can enhance your game with local multiplayer. Our plugin handles the connections to player’s smartphones, and our Controller Generator offers a simple way of creating your controller file with very little coding effort on your part.

Put on your creativity hat and start designing the next best local multiplayer game for the whole world to play.

You'll find more info about the competition here and the AirConsole plugin here

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